Hello. I am using ipsec-tools-0.6.x and a kernel 2.6.14 . Following network setup is used: Network A is a non private network, so all addresses are routable without NAT, lets call it for example purpose. is the main gateway, which is connected to outside world. There's no NAT taking place there. Now i got a BOX in Network A, which got 3 interfaces: eth0 - -> connected to Network A eth1 - -> private Network, WLAN Access Point Interface - only UDP Packets on OpenVPN Port can pass and DHCP for initial Access. tap0 - OpenVPN device (Network B), all RoadWarriors which want to surf the WLAN me provides get IP's in range - - for http,ftp connections they have to use proxy at . All connections are nated at this BOX, with postrouting rule a SNAT to is taking place. iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source So far it works fine. No problems with this setup. And now the addon which causes the problem: Network A with 141.57.23.x should communicate over IPSec only. So for eth0 a new VPN should be opened with ipsec so i can drop all other packets which didnt came in through esp protocol. Setup is working for Network A, Box 18 could reach all others in network, lets take 13 (proxy) as example - Tunnel is established successfull and they can communicate with each other. But for Boxes in Network B (10.1.0.x) only Box 18 is reachable, all other connections for which a tunnel is needed arent reachable, 13 for example. ( connection for which no esp tunnel is needed according to ipsec.conf are still reachable, of cause ... its like original setup without IPSec). A ping from Box in Network B to B looks like the following in tcpdump On tap0 it comes in on Router Box On eth0 same box proto esp theres no paket seen. On eth0 same box normal icmp traffic generated from the Box in Network B is seen - so SNAT is taking place, but the packet now have to go through the ipsec tunnel, but it takes the unencrypted way ... which it shouldnt do because the destination host exspects encrypted packets from that host. I know that the packets are shown twice in the chain, but there is no crypted packet - only the uncrypted is there. The OpenVPN have to be there, it shouldnt be removed for Network B - but the need for ipsec in Network A is there too, so i am searching for a solution, to got these two networks communicate with each other, so i wonder, if theres a design error i got, a error in general because of protocol specification or the thing which maybe is the one i hope, i forgot some aspects to configure or remember. Any hints are welcome. kind regards Torsten