Re: [LARTC] shareaza

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Is there any way to do that? How can I keep track of the
traffic generated by shareaza only?

Perhaps you need something like ?

Maybe l7-filter is not necessary. For classifying P2P traffic, you can use ipp2p module, available through patch-o-matic or newest code from here !

   Seems that Shareaza is matched with --gnu !!

[root@correio ~]# iptables -m ipp2p --help
[ ........ ]
IPP2P v0.7.2 options:
--ipp2p        Grab all known p2p packets
--ipp2p-data   Identify all known p2p download commands (obsolete)

--edk          [TCP&UDP]       All known eDonkey/eMule/Overnet packets
--dc           [TCP]           All known Direct Connect packets
--kazaa        [TCP&UDP]       All known KaZaA packets
--gnu          [TCP&UDP]       All known Gnutella packets
--bit          [TCP&UDP]       All known BitTorrent packets
--apple [TCP] All known AppleJuice packets (beta - just a few tests until now)
--winmx        [TCP]           All known WinMX (beta - need feedback)
--soul         [TCP]           All known SoulSeek (beta - need feedback!)
--ares [TCP] All known Ares - use with DROP only (beta - need feedback!)

--edk-data [TCP] eDonkey/eMule/Overnet download commands (obsolete)
--dc-data      [TCP]           Direct Connect download command (obsolete)
--kazaa-data   [TCP]           KaZaA download command (obsolete)
--gnu-data     [TCP]           Gnutella download command (obsolete)

Note that the follwing options will have the same meaning:
'--ipp2p' is equal to '--edk --dc --kazaa --gnu'
'--ipp2p-data' is equal to '--edk-data --dc-data --kazaa-data --gnu-data'

IPP2P was intended for TCP only. Due to increasing usage of UDP we needed to change this. You can now use -p udp to search UDP packets only or without -p switch to search UDP and TCP packets.

See README included with this package for more details or visit

iptables -A FORWARD -m ipp2p --ipp2p -j MARK --set-mark 0x01
iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -m ipp2p --kazaa --bit -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m ipp2p --edk --soul -j DROP

iptables -m ipp2p --help [root@correio ~]#


	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

	Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
	My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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