I've got a problem I suspect you can help me with.
I have created a tunnel between a server at home (Sam) and a server
co-located with an ISP (we'll call him HO). My ISP buddy has given me a
/30 CDIR of public IP addresses that he is routing down the tunnel
towards Sam. Sam has the two public IP addresses .13 and .14 defined
using dummy interfaces on eth1. The tunnel has the addresses
on HO's side, and on Sam's side of the tunnel. Sam's function
in life is two fold: provide web and email services for the public IP
side, and act as a general surfing machine in my office for all other
I want to route outgoing public IP traffic on Sam through the tunnel,
and all other traffic through Sam's default route (Sam is actually
behind a WRT54G router with a private IP address. The WRT54G is
providing NAT services on the side, but is also DMZing
Sam on the router's public IP which is dynamically assigned, not that
you need to know that). The problem is that I have no way (through
standard routing, that is) to know how to route public IP traffic back
through the tunnel since I have no way to differential traffic that came
through the tunnel with traffic that didn't come through the tunnel. I
don't think that DNAT and SNAT alone can solve this problem, at least
for SMTP services ( I can make it work for http). I do have access to
the root passwd on HO.
I haven't looked at conntrack, but I was hoping that connection tracking
might offer a solution here, i.e., if an SMTP request, for example,
comes into SAM using one of his public IP.s, how do I make Sam route the
return requests back through the tunnel instead of the default route? I
welcome all ideas!!
Please cc to stokes@xxxxxxxx as I'm not a subscriber.