Re: Help on port forwarding + Origin and Destination IP rewriting...

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luisccmail-netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb:
>   Dear Netfilter list people
>   I'm trying to build some netfilter rules so my linux box can forward a telnet connection made on
> a machine on my network (lets say "Box-A") to another machine in my network (lets say "Box-B").
>   Box-A is just another server in the network, but Box-B is special: its a firewalled access
> gateway to a client's network, and it is setted up in a way that only telnet connections from
> Box-A are accepted (that's my client's security policy, and I don't have any chances on change
> this).
>   On the other hand, many folks from my company need access to that client network, and I don't
> want everybuddy needing access to Box-B to connect on Box-A (thats local security policy).
>  So I tried to use two simple rules that could allow me to forward the connections:
>   ###################################
>   # /etc/hosts file
>   # This aliases are in /etc/hosts format, to easy comprehension
>   box-a.local
>   box-b.local
>   # EOF #############################
>   ###################################
>   # Redirection script file
>   # This should re-write incomming connections before routing
>   # after routing process, they should go to the right host.
>   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp \
>            -d box-a.local --destination-port 2200 \
>            --jump DNAT --to-destination box-b.local:2222
>   # This should re-write outgoing connections after routing,
>   # so they appear to originate from the Box-A host.
>   iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp \
>            -d box-b.local --destination-port 2222 \
>            --jump SNAT --to-source box-a.local
>   # EOF #############################
>   Oh, well, now begin my problem: this doesn't work, and I don't have any ideas to correct the
> problem. 

The information you provide is not sufficient to troubleshoot your
problem. If you could provide the output of iptables-save and some other
information that may help...

Your two rules seem to be ok. Some things you may check:

is /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward set to 1 ?
is routing setup correctly ?
is FORWARD policy DROP ? And if so, is there a rule that permits
   -d box-b.local --dport 2222 ?
are there any other rules in any table / chain that may cause the
    problem ?
what does tcpdump tell you about a connection attempt ?

That should give some hints.



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