Hello everyone
I have simple question.
Lets assume that we have Linux with IP= with iptables and it is
logging all incomming ssh connection. Log file contains both IP and MAC
addresses of the computers which bind to this service.
Lets assume that we have another PC connected into LAN with IP=
Attacker with IP = runs:
hping2 -S --spoof -p 22 --faster - which will
cause DoS of SSH service on
Netfilter logs all incomming on 22 port traffic. It shows that
connections come from IP and it shows real MAC address of
this computer ( instead of MAC address of attackers computer
So result is that we think that real attacker is computer with IP
Lest assume that spoofed address is IP which is not assignet in the
local network. Netfilter logs incomming traffic but it shows MAC address
unknown or completely unpredictable (Windows shows all 0-ros, Linux 12
bytes long MAC address).
Result is that we completely don't know who is the attacker, cannot
track him down even we have registered MAC addresses of all computers in
local network.
It works like this with FC4, also have this problem on RedHat 3.0.
How can I make netfilter to log MAC address of the attackers computer,
not this one which is resolved by TCP/IP stack ? Is it possible?