Re: Forward to DMZ addresses

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> jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Kind of... I'm trying to redirect _any_ traffic destined for my DMZ
>> address to be forwarded to the machines themselves.  I tried the rule
>> you
>> suggested, and I also realized that I had already tried that.
>> Basically, I want to forward any traffic destined for DMZ address pass
>> the
>> firewall and onto the DMZ machines themselves, well once they gone
>> through
>> some bad packet checks...
> Ok, if you are wanting all traffic to be destined you will need to
> statefully inspect packets and return them to your LAN accordingly before
> you forward the traffic off to your DMZ server.  That is unless you have a
> different globally routable IP for your DMZ system than you do for your
> router.
> You will probably need to DNAT in the PREROUTING chain for both inbound
> interfaces, your LAN and WAN connection.

What would I DNAT (--to-source) to.  My understanding is to check for
ESTABLISHED,RELATED state and forward onto either LAN/DMZ interface, but
how do I receive where -to-source should be?

>> FYI, the rule didn't work as expected.  The following is my script thus
>> far:
>> #************************************
>> /sbin/modprobe ip_tables
>> /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack
>> /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
>> /sbin/modprobe iptable_filter
>> /sbin/modprobe ipt_LOG
>> /sbin/modprobe ipt_limit
>> /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
>> /sbin/modprobe ipt_REJECT
>> /sbin/modprobe ipt_state
>> #
>> # Enable IP forwarding
>> #
>> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
>> $ipt -F
>> $ipt -X
>> $ipt -Z
>> $ipt -P INPUT DROP
>> ###########################################
>> #
>> # Rules
>> #
>> #
>> # Accept EST. and REL. packets
>> #
>> $ipt -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
>> $ipt -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
>> #
>> # Forward all from LAN through WAN
>> #
>> #
>> # NAT all outgoing packets
>> #
>> $ipt -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $WAN_INTERFACE  -j SNAT --to-source
>> $WAN_IP
> If your LAN is on a different subnet you could add an "-s <LAN subnet>"
> extension to this to make sure that you are only SNATing your LAN traffic.

Ah...thanks.  Didn't think about that

>> #
>> # temp - this does the actual allowing of outgoing packets
>> # from the dmz server... but it still nat's them... I don't want to nat
>> # them, I want them to appear as they are
>> #
>> ############################################################
>> #
>> # Firewall specific rules
>> #
>> #
>> # Allow access from LAN to firewall
>> #
>> #
>> # Save rules
>> #
>> /etc/init.d/iptables save
>> #************************************
>> this is basic, as I'm trying to take it one step at a time.  I'm
>> currently
>> dealing with 2 issues.  the one mentioned above...and the other is not
>> NATing the outgoing DMZ packets...  I would like them to go out with
>> their
>> IP addresses...
> I take it that your DMZ system is running a globally routable IP?  If this
> is the case can we get a list of said IPs (scrubbed if need be) for
> discussion?
IP Network = xx.xx.xx.182
Router WAN interface = xx.yyy.y.241
Router LAN interface = xx.xx.xx.183
Firewall eth0 connected to LAN switch = 10.123.x.x
Firewall eth1 connected to router = xx.xx.xx.184
Firewall eth2 connected to DMZ switch = xx.xx.xx.185
DMZ server eth0 connected to DMZ switch = xx.xx.xx.186

LAN stuff works just fine...well, at least from what I can tell and it's
the only section with local IP's.  The others are all using globally
routable IP's from my block.

Currently, and as stated before, I can access everything from the firewall
itself, just can't pass through.

**Once I get a basic setup going, I should be able to figure it out...
it's just this hurdle right now

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