Re: DNS and NAT

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From: Jörg Harmuth <harmuth@xxxxxxxxx>
To: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DNS and NAT
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 15:29:37 +0200

Suzana Lojic-Skoric schrieb:

> I have an internal network that has one set of addresses and outside
> network that has
> a different set of addresses. I am using NAT for the sole purpose of
> translation. Both inside and outside network have DNS servers, mail
> servers,.... Both networks need to talk to each other, send mail and
> request web pages... I have a control of inside network but not the
> outside ntw.
> When the client from outside sends a DNS query to the inside ntw I guess
> I can implement split DNS as Jason Opperisano suggested and get it
> working that way. The outside world will get a web page from external
> view and will have answer from global outside address, the inside world
> will get answer from internal view with inside global ip.
> The problem is I don't understand how it is supposed to work when the
> client is inside and sending a request for a page whose server happens
> to be outside...
> I have a default route through the NAT, so when a client on the inside
> network
> sends a DNS query it goes out through the NAT, in my case both source
> and destination gets translated and forwarded to outside DNS server.( I
> have to translate the destination as well because the clients on
> internal network send a request to an internal DNS server with the
> internal IP address as destination. So the request gets forwarded to the
> outside world through the NAT and both SNAT-ed and DNAT-ed.) When the
> answer comes back to NAT, the outside source and destination IP gets
> translated back to the internal addresses, but the actual IP that
> resolves the requested page is embedded in the message, and it does not
> get translated ( it is outside IP) When the client gets the answer, it
> processes it, gets the outside IP from the message and try talk to it.
> But this is outside IP and inside clients can't route to it.
> I am trying to understand how is this supposed to work. I can't quite
> use the wisdom from masquerade because masquerade is simpler, masquerade
> messages are only SNAT-ed, meaning only source address is translated and
> when the request comes back it is then DNAT-ed to internal network,
> meaning destination is translated so the message can find your machine.
> But you don't care that resolved as because
> your NAT is one way NAT in you can talk to In my case, I
> have to translate the to something else (for example
> so that the inside network can talk to it. And then on the
> exit through the nat will be translated back to
> The problem is I have no way of translating the to
> because iptables NAT does not inspect the payload of the DNS
> answer and does not translate it. ... and this is how iptables is
> supposed to work.

If I understand everything correctly, your problem is something alike
"How can my clients find ? My clients have non-routable
addresses (RFC1918), so they cannot talk to routable addresses". Your
szenario: Client starts DNS request for to internal DNS. This
box returns to the client and the client doesn't know how
to get there. Right ?

Hmm, your client already knows how to get to, because he
has a default route to the nat box (as you said above). The nat box
recieves something like

src= dst= spt=22222 dpt=80

This is not local to the nat box, so - if /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
is set to 1 - the nat box will forward the packet to its default
gateway, say via ppp0. If you applied MASQUERADE to ppp0, the source
address is rewritten to the (internet) address of ppp0 and the packet
reaches google.

The return package from google hits your nat box and the connection
tracking code automatically "retranslates" (this time the destination
address) to and the package reaches your client. That's all. A
rule like

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

and everything is as described.

Yes, you are right, but the problem is between my inside client and the NAT gateway I have a machine that drops everything that is not 10.x.x.x. I know, I know, it is insane... but my job is to find a solution for DNS in such network.
So basically, my inside network can only route 10.x.x.x and everything else 
is dropped.
As /dev/rob0 pointed out, if you don't want your clients to talk with
google directly use proxies.

I'll check out the proxy idea. Thanks for your input.


Sorry, if I missed the point.


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