Re: Unzustellbar: [SPAM] - Re: Why does this connection stop being tr acked? - Sending mail server found on (fwd)

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> - to the person posting to the list as opposed to the list's
>   bounce address

If you will notice, below are the headers from the email that you sent that I'm replying to.  You will see that the header list has not been pruned to be just the mail list server as it probably should be.  I have had quite a few email messages bounce to me because one or more servers involved in the sending process to the netfilter receiving server ( (2nd from the bottom)).  IMHO the mail list software should be set up such that it prunes the prior servers out of the mail headers as these sending servers (to the netfilter list it's self) are the ones in error, not the netfilter server yet the servers that are bouncing the messages are looking at the original servers.

Received: from ( [])
	by (8.13.1/8.13.1) with ESMTP id j5FHVmZZ017756
	for <gtaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:31:48 -0500
Received: from localhost ([]
	by with esmtp (Exim 4.41 #1 (Debian))
	id 1Dibvx-0007mY-CY; Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:44:13 +0200
Received: from [2001:ba8:0:1f1:a800:ff:fe4b:a0c1] (
	by with esmtp (Exim 4.41 #1 (Debian))
	id 1Dibvu-0007mQ-Vd
	for <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:44:11 +0200
Received: from andy by with local (Exim 4.50)
	id 1Dibjr-000621-8A
	for netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Wed, 15 Jun 2005 17:31:44 +0000

> - incorrectly claiming the list's host is in ORDB

Again the mail list is not changing the from email address to be the mail list like I think they should.  IMHO any and all email passing through this list should be to and from the list email address.  Unfortunetly there is probably much debate on how to run mail lists and what should and should not be done.  But alass this is not really the proper place to do so.  As of yet I have not tried contacting this mail list administrator to this regard so I can not comment one way or the other on their cooperation, perhaps it is time to do such.

Grant. . . .

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