Our ISP's Proxy server is proxy.ISP.net , our company's own proxy server is proxy.ourcompany.net. Our own proxy server has delay_pool but our ISP proxy server dont have. I want to control our client to use only our company proxy server. how can I block the proxy.ISP.net using IP tables so that every body can be force to use our compnay proxy server. (note that our company proxy server is connected to our ISP proxy server as cache_peer parent)
If you want to block just proxy.ISP.net you could do a simple filter in the filter table FORWARD chain. However I think you are really asking for a solution that will prevent your users from using ANY proxy other than your companies proxy. As such I have included what I am using here at my office:
# I am creating a new (sub)chain so that I have to do fewer comparisons and thus speeding things up. iptables -t nat -N Proxy_Bypass_Attempt iptables -t nat -A Proxy_Bypass_Attempt -j LOG --log-prefix "Proxy Bypass Atempt: " iptables -t nat -A Proxy_Bypass_Attempt -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination ${My_Proxy_Server_IP}:${My_Proxy_Server_Port} # We will need to SNAT any traffic that attempted to bypass the proxy so that it will get back to the client correctly. iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${LAN} -s ${LAN_Subnet} -d ${My_Proxy_Server_IP} -p tcp --dport ${My_Proxy_Server_Port} -j SNAT --to-source ${My_Firewall_IP} # Let's jump to the Proxy_Bypass_Attempt chain if this looks like web traffic. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ${LAN} -s ! ${My_Proxy_Server_IP} -p tcp --dport 80 -j Proxy_Bypass_Attempt # We will need to allow traffic to froward from our LAN back out to it's self as any proxy bypass attempt traffic will fall in to this catigory. iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i ${LAN} -o ${LAN} -j ACCEPT
Note: I am presently not blocking port 443 but I think it would be easy to do such with this example. You could probibly just use the -m mport match by replacing the rule in the PREROUTING chain that jumps to the Proxy_Bypass_Attempt chain as such:
# Let's jump to the Proxy_Bypass_Attempt chain if this looks like web traffic. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ${LAN} -s ! ${My_Proxy_Server_IP} -p tcp -m mport --source-ports 80,443 -j Proxy_Bypass_Attempt
- Or (if you do not have mport match extension support) -
# Let's jump to the Proxy_Bypass_Attempt chain if this looks like web traffic. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ${LAN} -s ! ${My_Proxy_Server_IP} -p tcp --dport 80 -j Proxy_Bypass_Attempt iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ${LAN} -s ! ${My_Proxy_Server_IP} -p tcp --dport 443 -j Proxy_Bypass_Attempt
Grant. . . .