Re: where list of **reserved address**??? (IP addresses can *drop*)

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The only real reason to have to have a bogon listing of rules in a firewall are those firewalls that tend to be permissive. Firewalls with default deny policies should not have to deal with keeping an up-to-date listing of the bogons, nor all the clutter and added overhead of rules to disallow these addresses.


Ron DuFresne

On Wed, 27 Apr 2005, Taylor, Grant wrote:

where list of **reserved address**??? (IP address can *drop*)

I had a list but I keep having to remove IP addresses from it....either list keeps changing or my list is crap....

As has been previously stated (in replies to your message) IANA has a list of reserved IP addresses ( which will periodically change. So I wrote a small script (see below) that will lynx --dump the page and run and MD5 sum of it and dump it in to a file. Periodically (when ever I feel like having Cron run it) the script will run and compare the page on the web's MD5 sum to what I knew about. If the MD5 sum is different it will email me and let me know.

Also you should look at RFC 3330 as it has a LOT of information (as do most RFCs) about network addresses that should be allowed to pass.

Grant. . . .


NewMD5Sum=`lynx --dump | md5sum | cut -f1 -d\ `
OldMD5Sum=`md5sum ~gtaylor/docs/ipv4-address-space | cut -f1 -d\ `

if [ ${NewMD5Sum} != ${OldMD5Sum:=null} ]; then
lynx --dump > ~gtaylor/docs/ipv4-address-space
cat ~gtaylor/docs/ipv4-address-space | mail -s "New IPv4 Address Space info from IANA (`ct`)" gtaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Note: ct is a small script that I wrote to give me a formated date output and is inconsequential in this matter.

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