Hello, I did put the followed rule in the iptables "iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT 8 - p tcp -j ULOG --ulog-prefix "Firewall: "", just before the last rule (rulenum 8) that rejects all packets. I did set up the file /etc/ulogd.conf to use a postgresql table such as the example at /usr/share/doc/ulogd-1.21/, and I have created the database ulogd and the table ulog as suggested there, with the same user and password than the ones on ulogd.conf. So, when I did do "/etc/init.d/ulogd restart" the system entered an endeless loop. What's I'm doing wrong, please? It's a piece of cake to use ulogd with MySQL. The relevants info: kernel-2.6.10-1.766_FC3 kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.49_FC3 iptables-1.2.11-3.1.FC3 ulogd-1.21-1 ulogd-mysql-1.21-1 ulogd-pgsql-1.21-1 postgresql-7.4.7-3.FC3.1 postgresql-libs-7.4.7-3.FC3.1 postgresql-server-7.4.7-3.FC3.1 TIA, Vinicius. P.S.: excuse me whether this list is not the best place to put my doubt.