Hello spdesai, Sunday, February 20, 2005, 6:18:39 AM, you wrote: sgn> Hello .. sgn> I have installed NetAMS on my IPTABLE server to monitor per IP traffic and sgn> based on that accounting them.. sgn> It generating html file regurely but it is not updated...i.e it show Zero sgn> In/Out traffic for hour/month/week etc. sgn> when i run netams it show below message at the end. sgn> NeTAMS is now operational, 20.02.2005 09:54:31 sgn> Shutdown signal received at 20.02.2005 09:54:31 sgn> NeTAMS exiting at 20.02.2005 09:54:31 sgn> Pl. help me for proper configuration.. you need to setup proper data-source I use netflow as data-source, but netams allows to use iptables (ULOG or IPQ) for d-s. you must have this lines in yours netams.cfg service data-source 1 type ip-traffic source ulog 1 configure iptables to make it route traffic to netams. iptables -A FORWARD -j ULOG --ulog-nlgroup 1 Read documentation.. at http://www.netams.com/doc english version is totally incomplete :( only russian version is availible. but you can try to load it via WWW translate service. http://www.online-translator.com/ (register to get access to computer-biased dictionaries) I've attached simple Netams cfg file from the documentation. It uses libpcap (ethernet in promisc mode) as data-source and mysql as storage. -- Best regards, Maxim mailto:maxim@xxxxxxxxxx
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