Hello, I work as a computer programmer for a small university and I was asked to set up a firewall to protect three Apache web servers. Each server runs on its own machine, each server has its own name, public IP address and they all listen on port 80. After reading a few howto's, I came up with the following iptables rules (I won't list all of them): #www.server1.edu -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d X.X.X.103 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to #www.server2.edu -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -d X.X.X.103 --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to Those rules work fine in the little network I created in my office. Now I want to try the set up with the real servers. Due to the fact that I know little about networking, can someone tell me whether I can keep the public IP addresses and names of the servers and somehow make requests to www.server2.edu go through the firewall? I want to do this so that our users won't notice the change and if something goes wrong I can easily undo the changes without having to contact our IT department to make changes to the school's DNS server. I would also appreciate if someone tells me whether I can add two more web servers to this set up without having to open another "dport". Is it possible to create a one-to-many mapping with iptables? That way I only have to open port 80 on the firewall and still allow incoming connections to different nated machines. Any pointers, suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.