There are a few situations that I can think of: - A spurious host/hosts sending garbage packets. If I know either source IP/subnet or mac address I can put in a filter and drop all the packets from spurious souces with minimal effort. Why should I spend cycles doing the route lookup ? - I could do policy based routing. That is, I want packets from interface X or subnet S to go out on interface Y all the rest go via the normal routing path. From what I read this is not possible now. - If I use my linux box a router I could have policies on different interface to do different things. For example, I might not want packets arriving from certain sources to reach certain destinations. It does not matter whether I am forwarding or not. You could say I could put that in the output filter, but my argument why should I have go through route lookup if I don't have to ? Hope these requirements make sense to you. As I said earlier, I am a newbie to linux networking. Pardon me if there are other ways of doing the above using netfilter. bhasker. --- Georgi Alexandrov <tehlists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Bhasker Allam wrote: > > >Hi, > >I am a newbie and I was reading the howto for > packet > >filter. The howto has the following picture: > > > >Incoming / \ Outgoing > > -->[Routing ]--->|FORWARD|-------> > > [Decision] \_____/ ^ > > | | > > v ____ > > ___ / \ > > / \ |OUTPUT| > > |INPUT| \____/ > > \___/ ^ > > | | > > ----> Local Process ---- > > > >The input filtering is done only for local bound > >packets and after the routing decision. Is the > above > >true ? > > > yes. > > >Is there a facility to perform input filtering > >before the routing decision ? Thanks. > > > > > > > How come you know if it is INPUT or FORWARD before > the routing decision ? > Won't the "routing decision" decide if the packet(s) > will be destined > for INPUT (to the local machine) or FORWARD (for the > machines behind > you/gw/fw). > > The two chains and tables that are hit by incoming > packets before the > routing decision are: > 1. table mangle, chain PREROUTING (from the > iptables-tutorial: "This > chain is normally used for mangling packets, i.e., > changing TOS and so on.") > then: > 2: table nat, chain PREROUTING (from the > iptables-tutorial: "This chain > is used for DNAT mainly. Avoid filtering in this > chain since it will be > bypassed in certain cases.") > > If you explain better your situation i'm sure we'll > find reasonable > solution for your filtering needs ;-) > > >Bhasker. > > > > > > > Georgi Alexandrov. > > >__________________________________________________ > >Do You Yahoo!? > >Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam > protection around > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.