Hi, * Rob Sterenborg <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 20. Dec 04: > netfilter-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -d $IP_OF_ETH0 -j ACCEPT > I agree it's a valid rule (syntax), but I don't think it will ever match > a packet. > > If -i and -d are specified, they both have to match to accept a packet, > right ? > Because <ip_eth0> is not assigned to ppp0, how can -i ppp0 -d <ip_eth0> > ever match for the INPUT chain ? I can just repeat Jason: forget the concept of associating IP#s with interfaces if you ever intend to understand routing. IP#s belong to the IPstack of the kernel. Think of it in the ISO/OSI layer model: Something unimportant -------------------------- IPstack with and -------------------------- NIC drivers for eth0 and eth1 -----------.-------------- hardware | more hardware If somebody yells into the cable "Hey,, tell me ( your MAC!" any interface getting this will ask the IPstack "Dude, are we" If the IPstack (that has no idea of interface drivers at all) confirmes the NIC will answer with its MAC, no matter if anybody assotiated this IP# with it. If other hosts have its MAC things are straighten out. (This is a way, IP-spoofing works.) The association of IP#s to interfaces is just a little hint to build up the routing table automatically: if I issue something like # ifconfig eth0 the routing process fills this with some good presumptions and adds # route add -net netmask dev eth0 This is the only important point where interfaces meet IP#s: the routing table. (Please correct my if I write nonsens.) HTH, regards, Frank. -- Sigmentation fault