Re: A secure router, by MAC address

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It really looks like you want to distinguish between well know users and
a set of mobile users.
NuFW ( is done to distinguish between users because
it's an authentication firewall. It authenticates connection in a secure
manner, so you're sure of the identity of users that you let go accross
your firewall.

You can easily manage to build a solution comparable to the one you
describe below with NuFW. With more flexibility and more security.

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 12:46 -0600, jgalvez@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I am trying to setup a router, that forwards traffic from one interface
> for only a specific set of MAC addresses.
> Users on eth1 side will use a static IP address with a known MAC
> address. DHCP will be running on eth1 for rogue users. If the source IP
> is all port 80 traffic needs to be redirected to localhost
> port 80. ONLY traffic from a listed IP and MAC should be allowed to be
> forwarded out.
> I need some recommendation on how to accomplish this.  If you could
> point me to a similar example or something I can figure it out . The
> more specific the better.  I have a few of my notes and attempts below.
> -Josh
> eth0:
>  -Allow all traffic, in and out
> eth1:
>  -Allow all DHCP traffic - something like below
>   #iptables -I INPUT -i eth1 -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 \
>   -j ACCEPT
>  -Allow all incoming traffic by source IP and MAC address
>   #iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -t mangle -m mac \
>   --source 208.5.x.242 --mac-source 00:30:65:0e:91:d6 -j ACCEPT
>  -Redirect all port 80 traffic from to localhost:80
>  -Drop all other incoming traffic
>   #iptables -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -t mangle -j DROP

Eric Leblond <eric@xxxxxxxxx>
NuFW, Now User Filtering Works :

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