Hi Reading emails in this mailing list and with some google searches, I understood that to provide public access to servers in a dmz there are several ways. 1) use of subnetting 2) use of dnat with rules like this: (iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --destination w.x.y.z -j DNAT --to ${My_NEW_ADDR}) 3) use of proxy arp I always used DNAT when possible but in one of our office, there is a Checkpoint Firewall (that I would like to replace with iptable) that use proxyarp.... because I think Checkpoint can only use proxy arp. Moreover, reading ASTARO documentation is explained that it can use proxy arp but it doesn't explain when use it. What I never understood is the difference between dnat and proxy arp. Unfortunately I'n not a network guru thus, can someone answer (AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE) to my stupid questions? a) What is the difference between them? b) Are there situation in which I could be forced to use one of them? c) What is the best? d) Why lot of famous firewall suggest to use arp proxy? Thanks in advance Marco Italy --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.772 / Virus Database: 519 - Release Date: 01/10/2004