Re: Network mapping from internal and external

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On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 23:42, Gregory Gerard wrote:
> I'm not sure how to describe my setup and intended network in iptables
> parlance. Have searched much and can't find anything that matches my
> situation.
> I have 5 static IPs from my ISP. Out the Ethernet end of my DSL box I see
> those 5 IPs directly. I have no control over the router but that's fine.
> I have many more than 5 machines in my network.
> Internally, I have 10.9.x.x (
> I would like to setup iptables such that 4 of the external IP addresses map
> completely map onto exactly 4 internal IP addresses. The fifth external
> address will simply be used to NAT for internal only machines.
> What's the right mix of NICs and settings?
> I was thinking about bringing up several eth0:1..4 interfaces to accept
> those 4 external addresses and map them that way.
It's reasonably straightforward to accomplish this.  The ISCS project
will do all of this automatically for you -- map the addresses exactly
as you describe and take care of binding the needed addresses addresses
to the NICs (  The fully functioning code
has not yet been released but enough of it is there to split out the

However, if all you have is a single device, you're probably better off
setting it up manually.  The rule order will be important.  I assume you
know which internal addresses you want assigned to the four public

You can create an SNAT/DNAT pair for each

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $PUBIP1 -i $PUBIF -j DNAT
--to-destination $INTIP1
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $INTIP1 -o $PUBIF -j SNAT --to-source

Then, create another rule for the rest of the protected addresses which
is evaluated after all the other rules which will NAPT them all to a
single public IP address:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $PUBIF -j SNAT --to-source $MAINPUBIP

Then, to enable the public interface to respond to all the ARP requests,
bind the additional addresses to them:

ip address add <PUBIP1>/<MASK LENGTH> dev <PUBIF> brd +

for each public IP.

I think that will do it for you.  Good luck - John
John A. Sullivan III
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Nexus Management
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