Re: iptables + squid

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Jason Opperisano wrote:
On Sun, 2004-09-26 at 01:35, it clown wrote:

Hi All,

I want to run squid on the same box as iptables.I need to
setup the client pc's that they have to go through the
proxy to get to the internet... port 3128.They must not be
able to by pass the proxy to get internet access.What rule
do i need to add to iptables to only allow squid to have
internet access?

I want to give the clients internet access through squid,

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# allow clients to connect to squid proxy
iptables -A INPUT -i $INSIDE_IF -p tcp --syn --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT

# allow squid to fetch web content
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $OUTSIDE_IF -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

of course--this assumes that you do not allow clients through the
FORWARD chain on port 80.


I don't have my printout of the commands here and he might not want to do transparent proxying, but could he not also use the REDIRECT to send any info coming from the $INSIDE_IF that is destined from for port 80 to port 3128? If transparent proxying is alright, then the admin would not have to worry about setting up all of the workstations to direct to port 3128. I am very new to IPTABLES, so I might be way off.

Scott Mayo
Technology Coordinator
Bloomfield Schools
PH: 573-568-4564
FA: 573-568-4565
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