Well, this will be like the blind leading the blind here, but... this site was helpful to me: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=7184 (although it didn't address the NF_QUEUE issues that I needed to know about). My end goal here, by the way, is to introduce artificial delay in all outgoing packets to simulate a slow link, so I don't need to do any mangling of anything, so I didn't look into that very much. I have noticed too that the documentation for netfilter seems to be...um...scattered a little, and not exactly complete. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places. But a good page with a simple description of what the absolute basic necessities are would be nice (kernel_module.c & userspace.c files, for example, including dependencies on, say, libipq). - Joe > Hi, > > I couldnt help replying to this message, although it is not really to offer any help but to ask for help myself... > > I am currently trying to implement a kernel module that does some packet mangling and all I can say is that I'm really lost in some issues. > > Could you please point out some references? > Maybe there are some code snippets/examples of how to read things off the packet header (like source/destination port)? > > thanx for any help in advance > > regards, > JC > > > > Destroying all hope... one line of code at a time. > > --------------------------------- > ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!