RE: Help needed with ESP and DNAT on Debian 2.4.26 / iptables 1.2.9-10

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> Hi there!
> I need help getting DNAT to work with ESP packets on a Debian box
> ('testing/sarge' release, 2.4.26 kernel, iptables 1.2.9-10). This used
> to work fine on a RH90...
> This is used to suport a laptop running XP Pro logging in to a corporate
> VPN with the Nortel VPN client. Company policy and authentication
> requirements prevent me from changing anything in that setup (so I can't
> change the VPN to terminate AT the Linux box for example).
> My problem is: incoming ESP packets are not being DNATed as I wanted
> them to. The rule I use is:
> -A PREROUTING -p esp -s <VPN server> -j DNAT --to-destination <laptop>
> The rule does get hit into (I have a mirror rule with -j LOG), but the
> translation does NOT happen.

that rule will only get hit if a packet initializing a connection comes from the contivity.

normally--the VPN tunnel will be initiated by your VPN client, and if you are using outbound NAT + connection tracking; the replies from the VPN gateway will be caught by your "-m state --state ESTABLISHED" rule.


client:500 -> vpngw:500
client:esp -> vpngw:esp

i have learned; however, that having a DNAT & filter rule that allows UDP 500 from the VPN gw to the client is useful for when the client is idle for long periods of time, and the VPN gw wants to rekey the tunnel.

> Like I said, it used to work fine when the server was a RH90.
> How do I begin troubleshooting this? Some things I tried so far are:
> - try to DNAT ALL traffic (not just -p esp)
> - force ipt_esp to load (modprobe ipt_esp and yes, it is under
> /lib/modules/<kernel>/kernel/ipv4/netfilter)

the esp module is only useful with manual keying, not with IKE, as it matches on SPI.

> - tried doing an SNAT on the preceding UDP/500 connection to maybe trick
> netfilter into understanding the ESP part later
> Naturally, I have tcpdump logs, syslogs, etc... for further analysis,
> but I'm weak when it comes to netfilter troubleshooting...

maybe some idea about the network topology, ip address, and the ever-famous output of:
  iptables -vnL && iptables -t nat -vnL && iptables -t mangle -vnL

you *might* possibly be focusing you energies on the wrong aspect--i asuume your goal is to make the VPN client work; whether that requires a DNAT a ESP traffic or not (it absolutely should not, btw).


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