Hi all, I read all messages sent to list about topics like this, but none of them solved my doubt. I want to do a stealth firewall, a firewall + bridge which an mallicious client can´t* find it. This is the idea: When a packet arrive at the bridge (from de outside) if the rules of iptables/ebtables permit it continue, ok. If not, the bridge should reply with packages with the client´s ip and rejecting these packages. The problem is I tried use "-j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset" for example, but the bridge seems to can not reply that packages. At begining I thought it was cause haven´t the bridge ip, it couldn´t send packages back, but I read in http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=4073001&forum_id=8573 that it is possible. I recompile kernel and tried anything I believe could be the erlevant, (ip_forward, etc) but nothing. Can anyone tell me what could be!? I´m using Slackware 9.1 with kernel, but I tried with 2.4.22 and didn´t work either... []´s!