Hi All, I am trying to enable a multiple VPN tunnels to pass through my Linux machine so that VPN clients on the LAN can access the VPN server on the WAN. Through my google search I found there are two modules required to enable this functionality on my Linux box, these modules should be loaded in the kernel. So any body can help and direct me where to find these two modules and how can I install them? I have two linux machines the first one is Redhat 9 (kernel 2.4.20) and the second one is Fedora core 2 (kernel 2.6.5) If I am mistaken, so please direct me on how to enable multiple VPN connection to pass through my boxes? -------------- -------------- -------------- |VPN-Client-1| |VPN-Client-2| |VPN-Client-n| -------------- -------------- -------------- | | | | | | |------------------------------------ | | LAN side | | | --------------- |Linux machine| --------------- | | | WAN side | | ------------ |VPN Server| ------------ I am expecting you urgent help regarding this matter Thanks in advance Bassam --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.729 / Virus Database: 484 - Release Date: 7/27/2004