I am injecting packets in a network. I can see this packets from libpcap from several machines so the packets are there. The machine supposed to receive the packets can see them too in a tcpdump. Besides it answers to some of them (syn/ack if I inject tcp syncs) so packets are arriving. The tools I use to inject packets are packit, nemesis and others home-made over libnet. The problem is that in spite of packets being received they does not seem to enter iptables as I cannot LOG or ULOG them in destination machine. This does not happen with convencional traffic as pings or tcp connections that can be logged normally. It seems to be a problem related to "artificially" injected traffic not reaching iptables. ¿Is conttrack or some part of iptables realising this packets are not legal enough to reach iptables? logging rule is quite simple root@bipt08:~# iptables-save # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.9 on Thu Jul 1 13:58:09 2004 *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [737:65375] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [1962:84481] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1962:84481] -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -j ULOG --ulog-prefix "catch it please" COMMIT # Completed on Thu Jul 1 13:58:09 2004 # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.9 on Thu Jul 1 13:58:09 2004 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [31481:4480745] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [37288:10900591] COMMIT # Completed on Thu Jul 1 13:58:09 2004 # Generated by iptables-save v1.2.9 on Thu Jul 1 13:58:09 2004 *mangle :PREROUTING ACCEPT [31500:4483968] :INPUT ACCEPT [31482:4480797] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [37289:10900787] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [37289:10900787] COMMIT # Completed on Thu Jul 1 13:58:09 2004 -- ______________________________ < hola, soy una firma horrible > ------------------------------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || mail: txemi <txemi2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> web: http://txemi.webhop.org mirror: http://txemi2.webhop.org