Hi, I've got a problem with the new kernel. On 2.6.6 kernel there were no problems with NAT (SNAT/MASQUERADE) in iptables, but since I've upgraded my kernel to 2.6.7-rc3 and later 2.6.7 I've got 'Target problem' when I try to add an iptables Masquerade rule (ex. iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE). I've tried without '-o eth0', without prefix and with prefix /24, -d x.y.z.q parameter... Everything is the same. When I user -A POSTROUTING then iptables prints: 'iptables: Invalid argument'. ipt_MASQUERADE and conntrack modules are loaded without problems. Since 2.6.7 I've used the same rules for kernels: 2.6.1-2.6.6 without problems with iptables 1.2.9. Could you help me to solve this problem? -- : `Yg. ,P' ,gP""Yg. gP""Yg. ,gP""Yg. ,gP""Yg : Tomasz Czapiewski : : `Y$B' $P ,$' $$ YP d' `Y$ `Y._ : xeros@xxxxxx : : ,PY$. Y$.-"` Y$ _,P' $b. ,P `""Yg. : ICQ: 109320380 : : ,P' `Y$.`Yg._.:' :$ `s._ `Yb._,P' `Y.__,P" : GG: 1578983 :