Dear All For letting outside clients to access the webserver behind the firewall: I want to know, what is the difference 1. if I use connection states in rules tp accept for forwarding in the firewall rulset: Conn. State -s -d --proto -sport -dport SYN ACK New outside_client web_server tcp <1024 80 Yes No Established web_server outside_client tcp 80 <1024 Yes No Established outside_client web_server tcp <1024 80 No Yes Established web_server outside_client tcp 80 <1024 No Yes 2. or simple fwd rules: iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp -s $WEBSERVER --sport 80 -d $OUT -j ACCEPT iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp -d $WEBSERVER --dport 80 -s $OUT -j ACCEPT I have a little knowledge about statefulness of the firewall, and can not underestand what is the deference in such a case. I mean practically. Regards __Radien__