> How can i secure my iptables? I want to stealth all my ports > and i want that no ping is awnsered. If a port is stealthed Perhaps : iptables -P INPUT DROP In which case you will not be able to reach your machine over the network. But I think this is not what you want because then you wouldn't be receiving the packets that some host *sent back to you*, in reply to your request. To avoid this you would at least have : iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT > can i access that port? No. A port has to be open to accept connections to it. If a port is filtered (in your words : stealth), nmap will show "filtered". If a port is open and has a service listening on it, nmap will show "open". If a port is open and has no service listening on it, nmap will show "closed". Gr, Rob