Hi, I have a Linux box with 2 NICS. One is a standard one port 10/100 NIC (eth0). The other is a Quad FE. I'm running a bridge across the Quad FE NIC, so all ports are enslaved by the bridge. I have 2 systems, a client and a server attached to the Quad NIC (aka the bridge) Network connectivity etc is fine. The client is on eth1 and the server is on eth2. The single port (eth0) on the Linux box (lets call this the middle box) running the bridge is connected to the bridge through a hub on eth3..I ran out of crossover cables, else I would've had a crossover cable from eth0 to the bridge. I would like to filter the network traffic flowing between the client and server, that is going through the bridge. So on the "middle" box, I have the following iptables rules: iptables -A INPUT -m physdev --physdev-in eth1 -p tcp --destination-port 2049 -j LOG (The idea here is to log all traffic from the client to the NFS server) The other rule says: iptables -A INPUT -m physdev --physdev-in eth2 -p tcp --source-port 2049 -j LOG (Log all traffic from the NFS server to the client) I must be missing something though because I get nothing in my logs. I ran ethereal, and it is able to sniff traffic between the client and the server. So I'm guessing I've missed something in the iptables rules...what could I be doing wrong? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks! S C __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time. http://taxes.yahoo.com/filing.html