Le lun 15/03/2004 à 14:28, netfilter@xxxxxxxxx a écrit : > Is this a good and secure Firewall Script? See below for comments. > # Flushen, Deleting, Create# > ################################################################ > iptables -F > iptables -F -t nat > > iptables -F sperre Flushing sperre chain is useless. It has already been flushed by prior "iptables -F" that flush all chains, including user ones. > iptables -X sperre > iptables -N sperre Why destroy the sperre chain to recreate it just after ? > iptables -F sperre Flushing (again) sperre chain here is useless, since it as just been created, so is empty. Theses two lines will just do the same, except for byte count that is zeroed by chain deletion : iptables -F iptables -t nat -F If counter zeroing is important to you, juste add : iptables -Z However, when I write a script, I like to flush everything at startup so I can launch my script whatever rules I can have. So I would do this : iptables -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X iptables -N sperre > # first contact # > ################# > iptables -A sperre -i eth1 -s ! -j DROP # Drop everything how not comes from lokal LAN This should be handled through reverse patch filtering, that check source against your routing table. So, if a source that should be routed via another interface than eth1 comes to it, then packet is destroyed. > iptables -A sperre -i eth1 --dport > 22,19,21,22,25,3389,1723,23000:23001 -j ACCEPT # Allow outbound only > for specific ports This rule won't work : --dport switch needs -p tcp or -p udp --dort has only one argument Should be : iptables -A sperre -i eth1 -p tcp -m mport \ --dports 22,19,21,22,25,3389,1723,23000:23001 \ -j ACCEPT > iptables -A sperre -i lo -s -j ACCEPT > # Allow everything from loopback Note that you can have other sources on loopback. Suppose you ping your eth1 address. Supposing it is, when you do : ping You'll see pinging on lo. This very rule does not accept this. > iptables -A sperre -i eth0 -s -j > DROP # Drop everyting how comes fro outside to > inside with LAN IP's Reverse path filtering will handle this fine. echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filters > # acceptstuff # > ############### > iptables -A sperre -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT # ftp > iptables -A sperre -p tcp --dport 23001:23001 -j ACCEPT # Battlefield Server Check your range. There's not range here. > iptables -A sperre -p tcp --dport 90 -j ACCEPT # DVISE > iptables -A sperre -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT # HTTP > iptables -A sperre -p tcp --dport 3389 -j ACCEPT # VPN VPN ? You mean Terminal Server I guess. I would accept Terminal Server only through SSH redirection. > # Antworten zulassen # > ###################### > iptables -A sperre -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT This rule should be at the very begining for it's the rule that will match most of the packets you'll handle. This is an optimisation. > # activating sperre# > ##################### > iptables -A INPUT -j sperre > iptables -A FORWARD -j sperre I don't think handling INPUT and FORWARD through the same chain is a good idea, for you must not have the same needs for them. I mean this will end in allowing stuff for INPUT that should not be, and the same for FORWARD. > iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT # output accept > iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT -t nat Not needed. You should not touch nat chain policies. > # NAT # > ####### [...] > iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p 37 -j DNAT --to > # VPN Server IP proto 37 is not used for VPN. This rule is not needed. > # Special Rules > iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s 0/0 -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j ACCEPT > iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -s 0/0 -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j ACCEPT Your firewall is to connect to internal host on TCP/25 ? Why have an ACCEPT on output, you OUTPUT policy is ACCEPT ? > iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j ACCEPT This rule will never get matched. It is impossible, and you stated it before, that a originated packet comes through eth0,k since this network is attached to eth1. > iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -s 0/0 -p tcp --destination-port 25 -j ACCEPT You do not need to have OUTPUT accept rules, since OUTPUT policy is ACCEPT. > iptables -A INPUT lo -p tcp --destination-port 10024 -j ACCEPT > iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --destination-port 10024 -j ACCEPT > iptables -A INPUT -i lo -p tcp --destination-port 10025 -j ACCEPT > iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --destination-port 10025 -j ACCEPT You specified you want want to accept all lo traffic. Why add rules ? -- http://www.netexit.com/~sid/ PGP KeyID: 157E98EE FingerPrint: FA62226DA9E72FA8AECAA240008B480E157E98EE >> Hi! I'm your friendly neighbourhood signature virus. >> Copy me to your signature file and help me spread!