On my network a Client has problems with an URL which has burned in, in his system. Even if I remove the entries from registry, the URL is there with a restart again. I have diverted the inquiries the hate IP on google.de. $IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $HATEIP --dport 80 -i eth1 -j DNAT --to $GOOGLE The Problem is the URL-Extension... ( $HATEIP/index.php?v=4&aff=2130 ) ... On my Client, google says: Not Found The requested URL /index.php?v=4&aff=2130 was not found on this server. Is it possible to be deleted this extension or gives it another possibility the inquiry on " $HATEIP / index.php? V=4*aff=2130 " on "google.de" farther supply? sorry for my bad English 8/ -- +++ NEU bei GMX und erstmalig in Deutschland: TÜV-geprüfter Virenschutz +++ 100% Virenerkennung nach Wildlist. Infos: http://www.gmx.net/virenschutz