I have a problem everytime I intend to use iptables. I'm using a redhat 7.2 platform with a 2.4.25 kernel compiled without modules and including iptables components in static kernel.
I have eliminated the initial iptables 1.2.3a because it gave me the following problem:
iptables v1.2.3 : can't initialize iptables table `filter' ...
After installing the iptables v1.2.9 ( a tar.gz and then compilated), the problem was still present. I have even tried a static compilation but same results...
After looking in this lists, I haven't found any mail related to this problem in case of a static kernel...
Problem seems that static 2.4.25 kernel (in fact above 2.4.18 I think) doesn't create the pseudo file /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe which is looked by the iptables usermode program even when it is compiled with NO_SHARED_LIBS=1...
Is there any patch to iptables which can correct this problem? Had anyone had the same problem?
Thanks in advance,
Jesus Polvareda
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