Hi hi, I am a Linux admin, and recently set up an IP Tables firewall at work. Whenever I set up these things, I like to use nice programs with interfaces to quickly and easily change things, at the moment, my fav de jour is Jay's Firewall (if you havn't seen it - it's very slick). Anyways, it doesn't use SNAT, just MASQ, and it is on a static IP....so I started seeing them msgs: MASQUERADE: Route sent us somewhere else. A quick google, and I saw the msgs about Rusty's brain breaking etc. So I put an older kernel on the firewall, and it's all sweet. So what I want to know is, is 2.4.25 good-to-go using this MASQ technique, or should I talk to Jay about incorporating SNAT - or some other suggestion? Luke (using Debian Woody)