Hello, I am trying to do some weird routing. This is my (simplified[1]) setup: ,---. | S | `-+-' | .1.0/24 ,---. .3.0/24 ,-+-. 0/0--+ A +---------+ B +--0/0 `---' `---' Well, we moved to the new IPv2 last year... just kiddin, all nets are subnets of Box A and B masq the internal nets to their IP# given from the (different) ISPs. S has .1.1 and runs several services reachable via B and, by default, uses B as its gateway to 0/0. Sometimes somebody connects to box A on a specific port $P, which I DNAT to S. (Every connect to box B to this port will be refused.) The problem arises, when I try to catch the answer to route it to A. I thought about using -j MARK of -t mangle and a special routing table (as described in the LARTC, chapter 11). Okay, let's say I would use # iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s \ > --sport $P --dport 1024:65535 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED \ > -j MARK --set-mark 1 on box B. Replys to the connect will match, get the mark and will be routed the right way to box A. Now let's assume, S itself opens a connection to the net. It happens it uses $P as local port[2]. The first packet would be -m state --state NEW and will not match the above rule. But any further will and will be routed a completely different way[3]. If I omit the -m state every connections opened by S from $P will be marked and routed via B (that would be acceptable, but is somehow ugly). Cool thing would be, if a packet is matched by the rule any subsequent packets would match, too. The -j DNAT works this way, AFAIK, but I found nothing next to the -j MARK in the docs[4]. Then, similar to the shown rule, I could accept all new connections and mark any remaining. More cool thing would be, if I could use the conntrack of box A in a rule on box B... well lets stay realistic. Any hints, how I could do the trick? Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english, regards, Frank. ===footnotes=== [1] The whole setup can be found at <URL:http://manuelm.clug.de/~frank/network/topologie.png> (48KB). Box A is loki + hydra, box B is morpheus. [2] Is this possible when a service runs at this port? [3] Would this work? [4] <URL:http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html#TABLE.MARKMATCH> -- Sigmentation fault