Hi I have a strange network / iptables / Linux problem. I don't know which it is yet ... If I ssh to my firewall (which has 4 NIC installed), I then ftp back to an ftp server on eth2 segment of the firewall and get a whole bunch of files (about 20 totaling 100MB), I get a transfer rate of 110KB/s (800Kb/s) - measured on both ends of the connection. This is on a 100Mb network. I then ftp from the machine on the internal LAN (eth2) through the firewall to a machine in the DMZ (eth1 on the firewall). Now I get 1MB/s - that's more like it. Any ideas why the first transfer could be so slow? I have checked my -m limit iptables rules and verified (as can be seen above) that they are not limiting the packet rate. Regards Ray