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hi all again

my first question related wiht "http access - fixing 
DNAT port forwarding access from internal networks" 
was answered successfully, since it is working fine, 
thanks to all that could help ;)

now i happen to have a proxy server running on the 
same machine as the web server, and i would like to 
block incoming traffic to my web server from addresses
wich are not portuguese. i already got a list of the 
ip ranges and net masks of all autonomous systems 
located in portugal. i first tried to accept all those 
ip ranges, and then droped all other incoming. what 
happens is that proxy will accept connections only 
from those ip ranges i accepted initialy ( the 
postuguese ones). Let´s say i'm trying to connect to 
hotmail.com. i won't work since that ip range is not 
being accepted.

is there a way to accept connections related with 
previous conections made to this machine to por 3128 
(squid default port)?

i want to accept conections that even if they do not 
match with ipranges i'm accepting, they're related 
with a previous connection made to the proxy server, 
related with proxy port whatever it'll be ;))

i'm aware this can not be this easy... but still 
believe there is a way out :))


thank you all

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