Re: iprange

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>What is 'ngh'? Negative?

It is the sound a mong makes when he realises he made a stupid mistake.

>Where did you read it's built into the iptables *binary*? Which binary? Why are
>you sure it's truly built into the binary on your machine?

All I did to resolve my problem was run the iprange patch from patch-o-matic to
put it into my kernel, recompile the kernel and reboot. Patch-o-matic didn't
touch iptables 1.2.9 that I already had installed.

IIRC (and I probably don't), I had to compile patch-o-matic's netfilter with the
iprange patch and use that instead of the 'normal' iptables 1.2.8 source. I just
forgot that there were two parts to getting iprange working: 1. iptables has to
recognise it, 2. the kernel also must be compiled with it. With the 1.2.9
changelog saying iprange was built into it, in my excitement I forgot about part



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