Problem with PAT - HARD lock-up

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I need some ideas how to debug a hard lock-up problem with PAT.

The setup - my test setup consists of 2 hosts, one running PAT, the
other running Apache.  Both hosts are RH 8.0 with 2.4.22, iptables
v1.2.8, P4 with 1GB of ram. I am using a default route pointing to the
PAT for the return traffic from the web server.  The PAT rules are:

        iptables -t nat -F
        iptables -F

        iptables -P FORWARD DROP
        iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j

        iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -p $proto --dport $port_numb
        iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p $proto --dport
$port_numb \
          -j DNAT --to ${host_ip}:$port_numb

Problem description - I am using wget from 2 or 3 outside hosts doing
continuous gets of a 1Mb file from the web server - things work for
about 5 to 40 min. after that that the PAT host locks up, the web server
stays up.  Average transfer rate is about 60 Mbits/s.

Actions taken - I have enabled SysRq, and other kernel debugging
options, as well  added KDB code to the kernel, but when the lock-up
happens neither can be invoked, there are no oops on the screen or logs
of any kind - only reset button can bring it back.   I tried both 2.4.20
and 2.4.22 with the same results.

Any ideas ?


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