I got it. command to save iptables rule to /etc/sysconfig/iptables for Redhat 8.0 is "/sbin/service iptables save" Thanks --- ads nat <adsnat@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Please guide me how to do this otherwise. > Thanks. > > Daniel Chemko <dchemko@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > iptables doesn't inherently save state data. Redhat > 8.0 might do something along those lines, but if you > are really trying to play with the iptables rules, > it is probably best to disable the redhat stuff and > build your own startup / shutdown scripts so that > you really know what is going on under the hood. > > ads nat wrote: > Hi, > I am learning to use iptables. > I have gone through FAQ and tutorials but have two > problems : > > 1) I can create rules, delete rules, save rules with > "iptables-save" command. But can not use > "iptables-restore" properly. my iptables file is in > at /etc/sysconfig/iptables > I am using Redhat Linux 8.0, iptables 1.2.6a > version. > > Whatever rule I have saved goes off when i reboot > system. As I have understood after using > "iptables-restore" command, it should save rules in > /etc/sysconfig/iptables file. So that when system > reboots automatically it will be implimented. > > 2) I have set rule "iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -m > state --state NEW -m limit --limit 1 -j LOG" so that > i can go through logs of NEW users tryong to connect > to server. These are saved in which file? > Help appreciated. > > Thanks > > > > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product > search > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search http://shopping.yahoo.com