Re: Installing iptables 1.2.8 in a SUSE 8.1

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On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 20:22, Fried Melgar, Gustavo wrote:
Hi all,
I want to upgrade my SUSE 8.1 (with 2.4.19 kernel) from iptables 1.2.7 to iptableas 1.2.8. But also I want to install some patches to the kernel (kernel-source-2.4.19.SuSE-340.i586.patch.rpm )
Patch the kernel and then install the new kernel and then install iptables. 
I don't know in which order I have to do that.
Do I have to install the SUSE's patch first, then iptables 1.2.8 and at last patch-o-matic? Is this the right order to install this patches?
Do I need to install patch-o-matic-20030107 (I don't need extra options)
If you don't want this option you don't have to patch this.

Do I have to recompile the kernel each time I modify the kernel source or can I recompile it at the end?
Whatever the chnges you make in the kernel source will only be reflected when you compile and install it.
Do you have any other suggestions for this task?
Best regards and thank you in advance,
Linux Security and Admin

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