On Tue, 22 Jul 2003 20:08:58 +0400, Xemul <epv_xemul@xxxxxxx> wrote in message <20030722200858.74374455.epv_xemul@xxxxxxx>: > Hi. > I wanna solve such a problem: > When I see that byte counter on some chain reaches or exceedes any > fixed value - then IMMEDIATELY insert into that cahin new first rule > (e.g. -j DROP) or delete some rules from any other chain. Or more > abstract - how can can discover that byte counter is higher than smth > without"polling" chains? > > Sorry for sending such a mail into announce, developers and user > maillists but I need help as soon as possible. :) > ..2 ways: either trottle using, say cbq, check the Advanced Routing how-to, or get ip-limit from patch-o-matic. ..for cbq throttling for say 802.11 isp networks, feel free to try out my wee http://fmb.no/ipcop/setup-cbq-0.0.4.tar.bz2, it could use a gui, but is overkill a home user. -- ..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-) ...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry... Scenarios always come in sets of three: best case, worst case, and just in case.