Hello, I test the patch-o-matic 20030714, some patch don't apply to my kernel 2.4.21, is there a way to know why a patch did not apply ? I'm thinking about : - extra/tcp-window-tracking - pending/49_ip-conntrack-expect-drop-refcnt - pending/40_nf-log-ipv6 - pending/40_nf-log - pending/28_mirror-fixes - submitted/24_conntrack-nosysctl The list come from a pom in reverse mode, the submitted/24_conntrack-nosysctl was apply cleanly in a ./runme base, and with a ./runme extra (for a look ;-)) the pom doen't see this applied patch, and then the patch fail. Have you any recommendations for snapshot pom ? Thanks. -- Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin