RE: marking in output mangle with route lookup]

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I use a combination of PHP/MySQL/MRTG and a script which reads the output of
iptables rules I use to charge clients..
This works well for me and should the firewall require a reboot or
something, it doesn't lose the counters..

I've sent the scripts to a few people on the list, maybe they can forward a
copy for you as I'm not at work.

-----Original Message-----
From: netfilter-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:netfilter-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 6:59 PM
To: netfilter
Subject: [RE: marking in output mangle with route lookup]

Hi Gerorge,

Tried ( and failed ) with ip assigning. bummer. :-(

Thanks for your sugesstions -- my actual iptables enrty will read:

iptables --append OUTPUT --table mangle --match owner \
  --uid-owner 500 --jump MARK --set-mark 0x2

(I reduced the entry for the post because I couldn't get the fwmark to
do a routing table lookup)

In general terms, I am generating traffic on this local box on behalf of
a network behind it -- the network behind gets billed for their traffic.
The match owner directive seemed a decent way to assign an ip that will
be correctly accounted for.

Do you know of another technique yielding the same result?



On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 23:59, George Vieira wrote:
> Try using iproute2 ip assigning and not ip aliasing as I find
aliasing=evil for some things.
> ip addr add dev eth1
> Also, have you tried using SNAT instead of iproute for a simple snat of
the source address?
> iptables -I POSTROUTING -o eth1 -t nat -s -d -j
SNAT --to
> Thanks,
> ____________________________________________
> George Vieira
> Systems Manager
> Citadel Computer Systems Pty Ltd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lartc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lartc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 5:40 PM
> To: netfilter
> Subject: marking in output mangle with route lookup
> hello all,
> i posted this to the lartc forum, and received no response, so i am
> that someone here can advise.
> i have come accross a curious issue:
> +----------------------+            +---------------+
> | eth1   |------------| |
> | eth1:1 |            |               |
> +----------------------+            +---------------+
> iptables --append OUTPUT --table mangle --jump MARK --set-mark 0x2
> ip rule add fwmark 0x2 table 2
> ip route add dev eth1 src table 2
> ip route flush cache
> telnet ; and tcpdump gives src ip address as
> ip rule add to table 2
> ip route flush cache
> telnet ; and tcpdump gives src ip address as
> are there issues concerning the marking of OUTPUT packets generated on
> the local box that i should be aware of?
> many, many thanks
> charles

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