Re: how to filter applications with iptables

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There are verious ways to 'block' packets from unwanted apps. Some use
netfilter some don't.

You can block mime types using a squid proxy.
You can block arbitrary strings in packets using the string match
support in the P-O-M for netfilter, e.g. -m string --string 'KAZAA'
Most applications use specific ports and protocols, so you could find a
combination of those and block the app that way, e.g. MSN messenger uses
TCP port 1863
Some apps need to contact a central server, so blocking that server will
effectively disable the app, e.g. Yahoo messenger. 



On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 10:03, Liber Chrétien wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been looking for some information but couldn't find, so here it goes, I'm asking 
> to the list : (excuse my technical english if I'm not clear enough)
> I've a LAN at home with mdk as server and win and mdk on the clients
> My question is : is there a way to block certain applications, such as specific 
> softwares (office suite for example), to access internet with iptables?
>  How to identify the packets emitted from such applications and block them ?
> Thanks 
> Bruno
Raymond Leach <raymondl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Network Support Specialist
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