RE: Removing netfilet 1.2.7a

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Before installing the latest iptables v 1.2.8 on RedHat 9.0, am trying to remove the older version.

there seem to be a series of dependencies on v1.2.7a like "lokkit" which in turn is a dependecy on "redhat-config-securitylevel-1.1.1-3" should I remove all of these too?

or should I remove iptables without a dependency check
# rpm -e --nodeps iptables


From: "Rob Sterenborg" <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Ed _'" <ed_b_71@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Removing netfilet 1.2.7a
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 23:48:16 +0200

> # rpm -e iptables
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         iptables is needed by (installed) lokkit-0.50-22
> >>>there seems to be a dependency.

You don't need lokkit. "rpm -e lokkit" ;^)..
After that, "rpm -e iptables".

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing.." Heheh..
Well, yes : you don't need it !

From some website :
"Lokkit is a tool that writes generic firewall configurations based on

You'd better write your own rules so you know what's going on in your
I never used Lokkit, don't know anyone who use[s/d] it, don't know how
it works, but it's one of the things that I uninstall when I find it.

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