Hello everyone, Im newbe at iptables, and unfourtunately i got nobody to ask for solution, maybe You may help. My problem I want to create quite tight rules of firewall for my home network. I have set deamons like this: deamons accessible from ppp0 (internet) and eth1 (local net) ftp port 21 tcp ssh port 22 tcp httpd port 80 seamons accessible ONLY for eth1 (local net) dhcpd port 67 udp squid port 3128 tcp and some squid proccess work on 32773 udp I cant write rules to block everything other than above services. I have tryed many solutions, but none of them worked. If anyone of You, could help me with that i would be forever in debt. I have a few more newbe question: 1. If in my system runs only deamons that are above on the list, is this nessecery to block unussed ports? 2. Is it wise to block all ports above REGISTERED PORT NUMBERS ( above 1000 port ), when in system runs http server that answer to client from global net on this ports, and proxy server that answer to the local clients on this ports ??? -- Best regards, mailto:czesn@xxxxxxxxx ------------ R E K L A M A ------------ PITY 2002 - okres rozliczen trwa! Wystarczy Ci program Jupiter 2002 Premium i po klopocie - nawet skomplikowana deklaracje przygotujesz w kwadrans. Przekonaj sie sam i zamow: http://pity.elfin.pl/premium/ e-mail: pity@xxxxxxxxx Najpopularniejszy program do rozliczen podatkowych na rynku (od 2001 roku ponad 1.000.000 kopii). Copyright Elfin Sp. z o.o.