Kim Jensen wrote: > On Tuesday 25 March 2003 09:51, Simone Leggio wrote:
>>I'd like to know whether it is possible, and if so how, with traffic >>control to set filters so that packets with TOS 46 are sent to host B >>via eth0 and packets with TOS 26 via eth1.
> Hi Simone,
> Try to use the mangle table to mark your packets which match a specific TOS,
> and then add a second routing table with the alternative default connection.
> That should work. You can find more info on:
> /Kim
Hi Kim,
thanks for the answer.
At the moment I have a test network where I send traffic from host A to host B generating it with a proper traffic generator (for example MGEN), which allows also to set the DS (or IP TOS) field.
Does iptables understand the value set before with the traffic generator or I have to set the field with the mangle table?
What I was thinking to type to discriminate the output interface was:
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tos --tos TOS -o INTERFACE -j ACCEPT
With TOS equal to the value set by the traffic generator. Would it work?