I'm new to the list & this is my first post, thanks for any help in advance.
Kernel version 2.4.7 (Linux RedHat) Iptables version 1.2.5
I'm having some problems with the 'string module'
I managed to download Patch-o-matic and patch the kernel source with the string module, compile it, boot using the fresh kernel, compile & reinstall iptables with the new libiptb_striong.so library and then load the ipt_string module.
However when I use the ............-m string "text string here"............... in my rule set the config is accepted/loaded but has no effect at all, it's as if the rule never existed.
I have transparent web proxy setup on DMZ, when any internal web traffic (Port 80) destined for the outside world hits the firewall the packet's destination IP gets translated to the web proxy's IP on the DMZ which inturn proxy's the request & serves the client. This all works fine, however I would like some destinations to not be proxied, for example 'hotmail.com'. This is where the 'string' module would come in handy, below is the rule with IP's removed
-t nat -A PREROUTING -s (internal IP subnet) -i (internal firewall interface) -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m stat --state ESTABLISHED,NEW -m string --string "hotmail.com" -j ACCEPT
this rule appears before the rule that translates the destination IP address to the proxy's IP for all externally bound HTTP traffic. However the rule simply has no effect, all web traffic destined to http://www.hotmail.com still gets proxied?????
Any ideas anyone????