Hello, I'm using iptables on a RedHat 8.0 box to do firewalling and port forwarding. The port-forwarding works perfectly when accessed from outside my internal networks. However, I cannot access the forwarded ports from inside the network. I tried to use two IP addresses to do this. That is, I have public IP addresses a.b.c.x and a.b.c.y both assigned to my Internet facing eth0; I use a.b.c.x for SNAT and a.b.c.y for DNAT port forwarding (a.b.c.y:80 is forwarded to an internal host port 80); from the Internet a.b.c.y:80 works ok, but I still cannot access a.b.c.y:80 from any of my internal box. This setup worked before with ipchains + ipvsadmin on Redhat 6.2. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Jiwei
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