I have here a linux router that lost memory, it can't recovers it.
As I read into some emails, mailing lists and webs the reason is the
conntrack module.
I want to know if someone here edited
I used patch-o-matic but I couldn't use tcp-window-tracking patch yet due
to some incompatibility with other patches.
My dudes are:
Are there any perfomance problems if I reduce timeouts into
Can edited /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_proto_tcp.c and
use tcp-window-tracking at the same time? (I don't use it now, but I hope
to use it in the future)
Luis Miguel Cruz Miranda. | B2B INTEGRAL, S.A.
CCNA - Systems Administrator | Pol. Ind. de Asipo
| C/A - Parcela 86-C
Tel: +34 902 506 605 | 33.428 - CAYES - LLANERA
Fax:+34 985 980 794 | ASTURIAS (ESPAŅA/SPAIN)