Hi Does anyone feel inclined to shed some light on the following log segment. It would be greatly appreciated . DST= LEN=480 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=62 ID=36429 PROTO=TCP INCOMPLETE [8 bytes] ] I'm not exactly sure what this is, but it looks like it might be a fragment that iptables isn't letting through. Or, perhaps it could also be a message from the bridge ... I'm not explicitly logging fragments, but the packet header still apears in the messages file. Tried explicitly allowing fragments through iptables --append FORWARD --jump ACCEPT iptables --append FORWARD -f --jump ACCEPT but it still shows up. Someone mentioned to me that it might be becuase of windows xp machines trying to connect to our service. Apparently there is some sort of bug in windows xp that determines a incorrect mtu size. Thanks, in advance CilliƩ